Panel select field: children from other page


how can I create a select field with children of another page?

        label: Category
        type: select 
        options: ???

You can use the query option:

 options: query
   page: blog
   fetch: children # or visibleChildren, depending on use case
   value: '{{uri}}'
   text: '{{title}}'

Alright, i used the following:

label: Kuenstler
type: select
options: query
    page: kuenstler
    fetch: children
    value: '{{uri}}'
    text: '{{title}}'

But the dropdown remains empty.

My content is structured like this:

That’s because your kuenstler page is a subpage of bibliothek. You have to pass the path:

page: bibliothek/kuenstler

Hm, it still is like this:

From where are you querying?

The try a relative path like this:

page: ../../kuenstler

well, I reloaded everything, but it’s still empty

Well, the path I posted above should be correct, but maybe your indentation isn’t. Please check again. It should look like this:

    label: Kuenstler
    type: select
    options: query
      page: ../../kuenstler
      fetch: children
      value: '{{uri}}'
      text: '{{title}}'

aaah, there it is! Thanks, @texnixe !

alright, one last thing here: i wnt to link from the generated field to the page i selected from.

i tried this:
<a href="<?= $page->kuenstler()->uri() ?>"><?= $page->kuenstler()->title()?></a>
but it leads to
where it should be

so there are two directories twice. How can i fix this?

You have to get the page object:

<a href="<?= ($p = $page->kuenstler()->toPage())? $p->url(): '' ?>"><?= ($p = $page->kuenstler()->toPage())? $p->title(): '' ?></a>

Or use an if statement around the complete link.

so far it works fine, thanks a lot!