The Panel reformatted all of my post files date prefix.
What was previously expressed using a Unix epoch date format was reformatted to YYYYMMDD-POSTNAME/
Is there anyway to prevent this from happening.
I don’t remember it being a problem in previous versions of the Panel.
I just upgrade to version 2.65
I was unfamiliar with using ‘LL’ as a date format.
I am wondering if I leave the date function out of the blueprint will the Panel still try to convert the format of my posts?
How do you add the date to your posts if not through the Panel? I’d set the format to U in the parent blueprint, so you get the right format when you add new posts:
I see. Be careful then with using the Panel all of a sudden if your blueprint settings are not correct. That might mess it all up.
The U format is not documented in the Kirby docs but in the PHP documentation I linked to (and which is referenced in the Kirby docs). You can use any valid PHP date format.