Our brand new plugin directory

Our plugin directory never lived up to the variety and quality of available plugins for Kirby. We finally sat down and redesigned it from the ground up. Every plugin now has a rich preview to already give you an idea what it is all about. We have a new category for featured plugins. Each plugin gets a more detailed plugin page and plugin developers also get nicer profiles.

We hope you like it :slight_smile:



Looks awesome!
Thank You and great work guys! :tada:

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awesome idea to use small highlighted code snippets when there is no screenshot (like with all of my plugins :slight_smile: ) thanks kirby team!

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Amazing directory, great work! What would be amazing but Iā€™m not sure how automated you can fetch info from the packages would be info on:

  • required PHP version
  • required and compatible Kirby versions
  • composer require command to copy directly from this page?

I guess one way would be to compare the repository and download fields of a plugin to the repository link in this list

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