Option for add link on pages section

Hello there !

It would be nice to have an option to hide “add” link on pages section. For example if we set create option to false.

I know it only appear for drafts or all status, but in my case to illustrate :
I create child pages of contact page, to display messages sent with the contact form. I use status to manage messages (draft : new message, unlisted : I replied / viewed the message). So in my pages section wich list messages I don’t need a create button :wink:

It’s not important I ignore the add button, but it would be nice to have the option to disable it. What do you think about it ?

Thanks :slight_smile:

You could add this idea to the ideas repo and hide the button with css in the meantime:

# blueprint
      type: pages
.k-section-name-messages header .k-button-group {
   display: none;

If you are creating pages programatically, you can add max: 1 to hide the add button on the pages section in the blueprint file.

    headline: Pages
    type: pages
    max: 1