Number field step property must be a string for small steps

I just noticed that using a step value of .000001 for a number field in a blueprint is not possible. The number is then replaced by 0. When I enter the step as a string ‘.000001’ is does work, however.

My use case is entering a longitude value in decimal format. The following is not working

    label: Longitude
    type: number
    step: .000001

while the following is working

    label: Longitude
    type: number
    step: '.000001'

The lowest possible step value as a number seems to be .0001.

Is this intended?

Which Kirby version do you use now?
This known issue and will be fixed in 3.3.4:

I’m using 3.3.3 at the moment.
And the original issue ( is even the same use case as mine… :sweat_smile:
Thanks for pointing me to it.