First: congrats on 3.6
I was wondering if and how custom block previews benefit from “Super simple plugins”?
First: congrats on 3.6
I was wondering if and how custom block previews benefit from “Super simple plugins”?
Kirby 3.6 introduced Fiber, but for the moment this only applies to the new Panel areas (with dialogs, dropdowns etc), which are now much easier to create or extends.
Fields, blocks, and sections do not profit from Fiber yet. I.e. nothing has changed regarding block previews.
I hoped to hear a different answer, but ‘do not profit yet’ sounds hopeful? Any plans you can share?
All I can say atm is that Fiber will come to more components in future releases.
Do you need help with block previews? Do you know our cookbook recipes?
Yes, I know about the recipes and I’m ok with making the custom previews, but I do think it’s a lot of work. Also I’m not always convinced what is better: how much does the panel view need to correspond with the front end. I personally think a text based md set-up works very well and is quick and to the point, don’t get into visual presentation. But then again blocks give a nice visual presentation for ‘non-text-people’. Anyway, lots of choices but none of them seem to really do it exactly right, like I kind of ‘hate’ the drawer (no offence). I’ve been playing around with this fields block and a structure field which I adjust with custom css into separate blocks, in search for the light-bulb moment … and hoping for more simplicity with Fiber in the near future.