Need help for "more complex" Kirby projects

Hallo zusammen,

ich bin ein Webdesigner aus Düsseldorf und immer wieder auf der Suche nach einem Programmierer welcher mir bei “komplexeren” Kirby Projekten gelegentlich aushelfen kann.
Da mein englisch nicht so gut ist wäre es mir wichtig jemand deutschsprachigen zu finden.

Die Arbeiten würden natürlich auf Stundenbasis oder zum Festpreis vergütet werden.

Vielen Dank und beste Grüße

I can probably help you out occasionally… forgive me, but is this paid work :slight_smile:

I don’t speak German but I’ve worked with a lot of non english speakers, your english seems ok to me.

The password protected page is actually easily, and I have built one before.

Hello James, thank you very much.
Because of my english the Google Translator saves me sometimes :grinning:
The work would of course be paid. I would wait a little if someone from my area. I hope it’s ok for you.
All the best, Alex

Sure. no worries. :slight_smile: You might want to change the category of the thread to Jobs rather then Questions.

Hi Alex,

i‘m from Kassel (Germany) and speaking german of course. If you like you can contact me via to share some details.
