Nebie | Image dosen't load with gulp

I cannot get my image in directory loaded. I am putting the images directly in sub-folders. Here is my code:

<?php foreach ($page->children() as $project): ?>
    <a href="<?= $project->url() ?>">
          <?= $project->images()->crop(400, 300) ?>
          <?= $project->title() ?>
  <?php endforeach ?>

I am using gulp to build php server und compile sass. The error says:

[404]: GET /media/pages/home/project-03/1111197286-1585547952/adam-birkett-qrwadbcqysc-unsplash-400x300.jpg - No such file or directory

Hi people,

it seems that I solved the problem by specify the router.php in gulpfile.js
my reference is here:
[Kirby 3, Gulp, local development](http://Kirby 3, Gulp, local development)