I’m using select field on files picker with multilanguage TR and EN (Default lang is TR)
My field syntax:
label: Full Text PDF
type: select
options: query
translate: optional // for each language data is different
fetch: files
value: '{{filename}}'
text: '{{filename}}'
required: false
Error on following processes on fulltextpdf
- TR field is selected
- Switch language to EN
- EN field blank to selected
- Saving error as “Please fill in all fields correctly”
I found the temp solution to save with following processes on fulltextpdf
- TR field is leave blank and save
- Switch language to EN
- EN field select and save
- Switch language to TR
- TR field select and save
Tested on Kirby 2.5.5 and 2.5.12 versions.
This is bug or i missed anything?