Missing `kirby` and `vendor` Folders on Hetzner Cloud with Cleavr Deployment

Hello everyone!

I’m setting up a Kirby site on Hetzner Cloud: http://keeponprinting.co, but I’m getting this error:

**Fatal error**: Uncaught Error: Failed opening required 'kirby/bootstrap.php'

I don’t have a kirby folder on the server, which seems to be causing this issue.

Here’s what I’ve done so far:

  • I used Cleavr to deploy an Ubuntu server on Hetzner Cloud.
  • I followed the fortrabbit installation guide (link), where they exclude the kirby, vendor, and content folders when setting up the git repository.

Since I’m using Cleavr to deploy the site on Hetzner instead of fortrabbit, I’m not sure how to get the kirby and vendor folders onto the server. I tried adding kirby as a Git submodule, but it only shows “kirby @eb47158” in my GitHub repo TheHeckFiles/KeepOnPrinting, and the server folder remains empty.

Why exclude /kirby and /vendor in the first place? I understand keeping /content separate, but not these. Now what do I do?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

If Cleavr deploys from the git repo, don’t ignore those folders. If you do, you would have to run composer on the server to install the dependencies (see Kirby installation guide: Install & update via Composer | Kirby CMS), and rsync the content folder as suggested in that tutorial.

And welcome to the forum!

Thanks so much for the help! I’m curious — is there any advantage to running composer server-side to install dependencies instead of pushing everything through Git? I’m not super technical, so I’m not sure why the tutorial suggests doing it this way.