Have tried updating a site from Kirby 3.3.6 to 3.5 and it does not rebuild the media folder for my WebP images, which leads to the WebP images not loading.
I use GitHub - HashandSalt/kirby3-webp: A WebP helper for Kirby 3 to automatically convert uploaded images to WebP.
I am assuming it happens either because the WebP images do not have metadata, I see there are no .txt files for the WebP images, or because I use a string replace in a
<?php foreach($data->children()->listed() as $project): ?>
<?php // Convert the filename to a full file object
$project_image = ($image = $project->projectimage()->toFile() ) ? $image->url() : '';
<a class="<?php echo $project->title() ?> project" href="<?php echo $project->url() ?>">
<source srcset="<?= str_replace(".jpg", ".webp",$project_image ); ?>" type="image/webp">
<source srcset="<?= $project_image ?>" type="image/jpeg">
<img class="projectimage" src="<?= str_replace(".jpg", ".webp",$project_image ); ?>" alt="<?php echo $project->title() ?>">
I have a lot of images over several sites, so any suggestions on how to best resolve this?