Introducing: 'Kirby WebP'

Hey there,
it’s not much but it’s something: For a very image-heavy site, I needed a quick way to save some extra KB (besides lazyloading), and despite not overly amazing browser support, I gave the ol’ WebP image format a spin (75% globally, mostly Chrome, but still).

I wanted a solution my client would feel comfortable with, and after discussing quality and the likes, I decided to write something quick-and-dirty: kirby-webp was born, generating .webp images alongside your uploaded PNG & JPG ones - so you don’t have to!

Check it out, feedback welcome as always. There are some options to play with (docs coming soon), and I will give it some love whenever I find the time, until then

may the force be with you


Hey there!
New version’s out with minor improvements, such as Composer support & faster WebP generation thanks to updated cwebp-binary in the underlying webp-convert.

Check it out on Github and let me know what you think.


I download the zip on github, unzip and put in the plugins folder.
Adding the line in config.php.
Upload a jpeg and check the folder, I found my jpeg but no webp — it’s my first step with Kirby.
How to know what is wrong, how to debug ?

@bntwmrt What is your Kirby version? The plugin is for Kirby 2, not the current Kirby 3.

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Last Kirby 3.2.4 on local.

Ok, then the plugin is definitely not for you. If you have some PHP knowledge, you could update it to work with Kirby 3 or roll your own.

Maybe the CloudConvert plugin could be useful as well:

Thank you.
I will check this.
May be a Cloudinary solution is more easy for me.