Make no changes but the Page-Title and more are changed

Hello together,

I work on my page locally and have following problem:

The page-title of my “about page” is changed from “Über mich” to “Markus Dunkel” but I don’t make any changes to it.

The folder is named “ueber-mich”, the text-file is also named “ueber-mich” and the page title in the text-file is also “Über mich”.

Why is the page-title, the page configuration and the link in the main navigation changed (from ghost hand) ?

I have find the problem.

I have a file for the meta data of the image in the folder “ueber-mich” and I change the image from jpg to png but I haven’t changed the file name from xxx.jpg.txt to xxx.png.txt

And after that the data of the wrong .txt file was shown.

Is this a normal case or an issue?

Text files and templates/controllers/page models are linked by their names. So if you have an extra text file in the folder, Kirby does not know which one is the right file. So if you work without the Panel, you have to take care of such things yourself. The Panel would automatically delete a meta file when the image is deleted.

I filed an issue on GitHub about this almost two years ago.