Looking for a programmer to make a MERX powered shop on existing kirby

Hello Kirby community,

I have a kirby powered website which I programmed myself a while ago. I now would like to attach a small shop section to it and am looking for a programmer to do this for me. I recently gave up programming and that is why I am looking for someone.

Good to know:
– Mykirby version is 4 years old
– I use kirby the old school way - through file upload :slight_smile:
– I would like to work with the MERX plugin, however I am open to other options if not too complicated.
– I do not need many advanced options such as shopping lists etc… What I need is a catalog page with the products listed (not searchable or browsable), a product page per product, cart page, checkout page and a few automated emails confirming the purchase.

Is there anyone out there willing to do this? Then please leave me a note and we can discuss further through email!

Thanks in advance!


I guess you are aware that the Merx plugin is not compatible with Kirby 2, so the job would require an upgrade to Kirby 3 which involves more than just swapping some folders Kirby folder, especially if you have used plugins?

Yes, I am aware of that. I do indeed have an old version and it would need an upgrade. I have no other plugins though…


I can assist you with the same.
Please get in touch to below shared contact details.



I can also help you with this project, I have experience working with both kirby 2 and kirby 3. and you can check my post history here to see that I came up with some ingenious stuff for kirby 2 back in the day :slight_smile:
Contact me through pm or to nur@elcoop.io


Since we/I developed Merx, we/I can help you.

merx@wagnerwagner.de goes straight to my inbox.

For more information about the agency you can have a look at https://www.wagnerwagner.de (in German only, sorry).

Sorry for the late reply, I haven’t seen the topic before.