Locked out of my own site

Hi all
I updated my OS operating system, and now I can’t log in to my Kirby site…

When I look at the sportis.php file in accounts and input the username and password there, it still doesn’t work…aih! What to do.

You can delete or move all account folders and create a new one admin user by going through the so-called “installation process” (in reality it is hardly more than entering your credentials) again.

Looks like your are using Kirby 2, which version exactly? Maybe PHP was also updated when you updated the operating system?

By “installation process”, you mean download the new kirby, and replace all my folders?

Tried replacing the account folder, and got this error:
“You are only allowed to run the panel installer from the same computer that is the server or by setting the option panel.install to true in your /site/config/config.php”
What would I add exactly to the config.php file?

No, only remove the account folder, then open the panel url.

Since you are on a remote server, you have to add inside the existing return array in config.php

'panel' => [
  'install' => true,

And then remove that code again, after you have created a new user account.

Darn, getting this error, when I added that code above to config.php:

Parse error : syntax error, unexpected ‘=>’ (T_DOUBLE_ARROW) …

Oops sorry, that was Kirby 3 code. So, in Kirby 2 is has to be:

c::set('panel.install', true);

Keep in mind that Kirby 2 will reach EOL at the end of this year, so there will be no more updates after that.

YES! that worked. OK, does that mean my site will not work anymore, or I should update before December? Using this link:

Your site will of course continue to work (at least as long as you don’t update to a PHP version that Kirby 2 does not support in the future).

However, old code might become a security risk in the future, so it’s always a good idea to update stuff. Make sure that you at least use the latest Kirby 2 version now.

Having said that, updating from Kirby 2 to 3 definitely means a bit of work…