i observed following things regarding -lock-files:
it happens that .lock-files remains in the content directory but the user left the edit modus long time ago. Is there any known issues when .lock-files might left back and not being removed by kirby?
although a .lock-file is present in certain page folders no lock-banner is shown. When i try to delete the page kirby complains that the file is locked and hence cannot be deleted. But as no banner is shown a “normal” user cannot unlock the page himself.
Any ideas? Hints? Is there any known issue regarding lock-file-handling in kirby
thx @texnixe ! As we use GIT i doublechecked if a .gitignore exists (which does).
Also checked wether the referenced user-id still exist which does, too … but the user is now in a different role ‘inactive’ which is not allowed to login anymore. So i am still wondering why the lock-banner does not appear.
lock and unlock are as far as i know different. users are added to “unlock” after the page was unlocked. i would say there is no new and old format, it looks as it should