Lazy Load Plugin + Examples

I’m having trouble understanding the figure plugin created by Studio Dumbar:

Has anyone tried using this plugin? It would be great to see working examples; even as a finished website.


If no one in the forum has any experience with the plugin, you can also ask the creator directly using an issue over on GitHub. I personally haven’t used it, but maybe someone else has.

Thanks, lukasbestle.

To further inquire: My question has to do with a website I’m building for my design office. An example can be seen here:
I want to believe it’s possible to load each image slider (page) as the user scrolls.
I’d appreciate help and be willing to fund legitimate answers.


You can load on scroll by using AJAX requests. There are several JavaScript libraries out there that do this, look for “infinite scrolling”. On the Kirby backend, you will need to handle the AJAX requests as described in this topic.

They use the plugin in their Kirby CMS starterkit called Altair:

The included demo link shows lazy loading in production. Quick view in their source (assets/javascript/classes folder) and it seems that they use the lazysizes.js library for this. You can find it here:


Beautiful work IngoValente. I appreciate your help tremendously!