What about using Git for this plugin? You could use the Auto Git plugin internally and create a UI to restore one of the older versions from Git.
This is something I’m already working on. I’m testing it on a website I manage to make sure it works great and doesn’t mess with other people content. Hope to release it soon
Let me know if you want to beta test it, @lukasbestle.
Would be nice if the revision panel field has a limited max-height and then gets vertical scroll able. So you would show maybe the last 5 revision entries and then you can access previous versions by scrolling. I fear that the list will grow too long over time and my client will regret that plugin.
Another option would be to be able to delete revisions right from the panel (or did I miss something and this is already possible)?
On the in this case “About us” page I want to keep it as clean as possible.
I see no gain in list many revisions direcly on the “About us”. If there is a need to restore something you often want to restore to the latest or to a revision in the archive.
Two possibilities (as I see it):
Only a link to the revision archive, maybe in the sidebar.
Only list the latest revision and a link to the revision archive for more.
I think this option is more versatile. Sometimes you just want to compare your last writings with the current one and you don’t want to completely switch the context for doing that. I think the user might think twice of using the revision feature to look small things up if he has to go somewhere completely else just to return afterwards and continue in writing.