Hi there!
I tried this example: Basic Panel area | Kirby CMS
(doc: Panel areas | Kirby CMS)
I want to use the component showing database data.
Can someone explain me how to display database data in a Panel area?
Hi there!
I tried this example: Basic Panel area | Kirby CMS
(doc: Panel areas | Kirby CMS)
I want to use the component showing database data.
Can someone explain me how to display database data in a Panel area?
instead of getting the data from an API like in the example…
$request = Remote::get('https://api.nytimes.com/svc/search/v2/articlesearch.json?fq=section_name%3A%22Movies%22%20AND%20type_of_material%3A%22Review%22&sort=newest&page=0&api-key=' . $apikey);
if ($request->code() === 200) {
$reviews = $request->json(false)->results;
… you could query a database similar as when creating virtual pages.