Kirby - Optimizer

Kirby - Optimizer

Version 0.0.1 / December, 10th 2015 - intial public offering.

Optimize your page assets (js, css, images) by the click of a button.

What is it?

Kirby - Optimizer is a simple plug-in for Kirby’s Panel which allows a webmaster to optimize all page assets with a single click.

How does it work?

The optimized assets are created and delivered by Googles Pagespeed Insights (limited to 10mb per .zip - see manifest in every .zip for more information).

How to install?

  1. Unzip the folder optimizer in \site\fields\
  2. Add the “optimizer” field in every blueprint for pages you want to optimize (see code below).
  3. From Kirby’s Panel, navigate to a page and press “download” (optionally set a device target).
  4. Extract the assets from the downloaded .zip-file and replace the original assets.

####Demo blueprint code

    label: Optimize page assets
    type: optimizer
    help: download the optimized assets (css, js, images) for this page

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