Hello, I can’t getting work Kirby on the fu**n DigitalOcean LAMP installation, I’ve installed git on my droplet so i simply git clone reponame . to the main folder in /var/www/html. The initial page works but not any page urls (including Panel).
I’ve also cloned a WP repo and it works, so it’s really weird…
I am having the same issue as described above, however am more of a novice than horoman. I have attempted the suggested fix above and have not been successful in fixing the issue.
Any other advice that may help?
Same setup as above - LAMP on 14.04 (Digitial Ocean)
I too have this issue. My site files is located in the var/www/domain.com/public_html folder and I uploaded all the Kirby files via SFTP and a user which is added to the www-data group. But still the permissions problem exist.
The user belongs to both the sudo and www-data group, is it better to create a user which only belong to the www-data group and use for the SFTP upload? When I inspect the folder using the Transmit SFTP software it say Owner: username Group: username, Why not Group: www-data?
My plan is to use GIT in the future, I just don’t know how to set it up for my work flow. Maybe you can push me in the right direction?
I usually have one “dist” and one “src” folder inside my projects. All the Kirby files and folders are inside the dist folder, and my sass and non concat js-files are inside the src folder. I guess I need one git repository which is my project folder, and another for deploying just all the content of the dist folder to the web server?