Kirby on DigitalOcean LAMP URLS doesn’t work

Hello, I can’t getting work Kirby on the fu**n DigitalOcean LAMP installation, I’ve installed git on my droplet so i simply git clone reponame . to the main folder in /var/www/html. The initial page works but not any page urls (including Panel).

  1. I’ve also cloned a WP repo and it works, so it’s really weird…
  2. I checked this, without any success.
  3. I also try c::set('url', '');, c::set('url', '/'); in the site/config/config.php

Did you pick the LAMP on 14.04 application image ?

Yes exactly: LAMP on Ubuntu v14.04

I’ve just replicated it, how frustrating -hang in there…

Feels like the .htaccess gets ignored…

Got it. You’d need to enable the apache rewrite module.

Enable mod_rewrite:

sudo a2enmod rewrite

Restart Apache:

service apache2 restart

Many thanks I’ll try tomorrow. :pray:

You’re welcome :thumbsup:
I’m destroying my test droplet now -the ease of this is one thing, I love about DigitalOcean :wink:

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Hi all,

I am having the same issue as described above, however am more of a novice than horoman. I have attempted the suggested fix above and have not been successful in fixing the issue.

Any other advice that may help?

Same setup as above - LAMP on 14.04 (Digitial Ocean)

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Hey jmsecchis,

Thanks for the help, I managed to resolve my issue, it was a case of changing some of the rewrite permissions in the apache.conf file.

All good now, thanks for your help!

I too have this issue. My site files is located in the var/www/ folder and I uploaded all the Kirby files via SFTP and a user which is added to the www-data group. But still the permissions problem exist.

The user belongs to both the sudo and www-data group, is it better to create a user which only belong to the www-data group and use for the SFTP upload? When I inspect the folder using the Transmit SFTP software it say Owner: username Group: username, Why not Group: www-data?

That did work great! Thank you.

Do I need to run this command again in the future if I upload some new folders and files inside the content folder with my user via SFTP?

Is it not possible to create a user which sets the permissions to Group: www-data on upload via SFTP?

My plan is to use GIT in the future, I just don’t know how to set it up for my work flow. Maybe you can push me in the right direction?

I usually have one “dist” and one “src” folder inside my projects. All the Kirby files and folders are inside the dist folder, and my sass and non concat js-files are inside the src folder. I guess I need one git repository which is my project folder, and another for deploying just all the content of the dist folder to the web server?

This post saved my life. TYSM!

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