I’m setting up a Kirby site for the first time. I have the local environment working great, but I’m having a hard time getting everything working smoothly on my DigitalOcean VPS.
I’m trying to get my URL’s to appear as clean as they do in my local environment (eg. /page/sub-page/sub-sub-page) when currently sub-pages are appearing a with an /index.php before the /sub-page Also, I don’t have access to the panel page, not sure why.
The server is running Ubuntu LAMP on 14.04.
My files are at var/www/html
My test site is ** REMOVED LINK, PROBLEM SOLVED **
I just tried that approach, and something changes my URL’s to be prettier. But I’m now getting a redirect loop on the panel. ** REMOVED LINK, PROBLEM SOLVED **
You could put the .htaccess vontents into your Virtual host configuration as explained in the thread @lukasbestle posted above. I added an example there yesterday.