Just now I want to install to a different server Kirby and get error messages. This server is installed in a subdirectory.
Here the error messages:
Warning: main(): Unable to access ./kirby/bootstrap.php in /home/www/xyz/htdocs/kirby_install/panel/index.php on line 9
Warning: main(./kirby/bootstrap.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/www/xyz/htdocs/kirby_install/panel/index.php on line 9
Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required './kirby/bootstrap.php' (include_path='.:/home/www/xyz/htdocs/my_includes') in /home/www/xyz/htdocs/kirby_install/panel/index.php on line 9
Can someone immediately identify where a fault may be present?
In the .htaccess I have only RewriteBase /kirby_install set and otherwise made no other changes.
Could it be that you have installed it from a Github pull from your own repository and not initialised the submodules, basically meaning that the folders “panel”, “kirby” and “kirby/toolkit” are empty, hence leading to the scripts not being there when called upon?
If you’ve cloned directly from the remote, you can blow up the current folder and re-clone, using:
git clone --recursive https://github.com/getkirby/starterkit.git
# Of course, replace with your repository. Note that the above has broken on to a second line, but should be entered as one command.
Otherwise, if you’ve done some work or config in the local one and you don’t want to lose it, do a quick:
git submodule update --init --recursive
And you should be good to go. This will step into panel and kirby, then into toolkit submodules and clone each at the points specified in their .gitmodules files.