Kirby Forum Logo gone?

is it just me or did the forum logo K disappear?

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It’s gone :sob: The website was in reading mode tonight, don’t know if that has anything to do with it.

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The forum was gone for some time this morning. This url was showing a Discourse error message saying something like “Wrong url, nothing here”.

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lol now its an ugly home icon. :rofl:
mobile scroll upwards.

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Yep, @bastianallgeier was hoping it would come back automagically… But it’s Discourse, not Kirby…:wink: Well, maybe after Kirby 3.2 is released, we’ll have a logo again.

But I thought I had uploaded one? Has it disappeared again?

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There was another Discourse update yesterday that sent the forum into reading mode again. That probably broke the CI settings.

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I think we need a place where we store the right logos for the forum if this is gonna happen more often now.

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