Kirby CLI installation error

I just installed the CLI and wanted to install a plugin with it for the first time, but no luck:

kirby plugin:install storypioneers/kirby-selector
Downloading from:
Downloaded: 100%
Discovered a plugin with the name "field-selector"

Description: 	Kirby file selection field
Repository: 	storypioneers/kirby-selector
Version: 	1.5.2
Author: 	digital storytelling pioneers <>
License: 	GNU GPL v3.0 <>

Do you want to install this plugin? [y/n] y
Installing plugin...

  The plugin could not be installed

plugin:install <path>

Any ideas what the problem might be? Is there a verbose mode/logging that I could enable to get more details? Right now the error message is not very helpful.

Do other plugins work or do you have a general problem with your cli?