I just upgraded to Kirby 3.3. I can access to my panel but the front-end isn’t available.
I got this message : “$pages->visible() is deprecated, use $pages->listed() instead. $pages->visible() will be removed in Kirby 3.5.0.”
Since I’m not dev, I have no idea what to do
Should I track all the ‘$pages->visible()’ and replace them by ‘$pages->listed()’ ?
Actually, I looked it up in my files and didn’t find any ‘$pages->visible()’ value.
You can fix this temporarily by switching off debug mode.
Go to your config (site/config/config.php) and set debug to false.
Afterwards you can take your time and replace all ->visible() method calls with ->listed(). It’s easiest to use find and replace in an editor like VisualStudio code. Search for ->visible() instead of $pages->visible()
@ bastianallgeier, I’m strangely still getting some errors while in debug mode even after changing the sole > ->visible() I had to ->listed(). Any clues which direction I should investigate?