Kirby 2.5.4 is here!

Arrghhh, a release with issues. We had that before and we hate it as much as you probably do. It happend again and we are really sorry :frowning: This is why we are already releasing today, which is basically just a hot-fix release, but important nonetheless. We decided to not launch any further releases โ€” even small ones โ€” without a beta. If you want to help us with that for the next release, please let us know. Sorry again for the update issues!


Thank you for the quick fix, and for all your wonderful work - itโ€™s truly appreciated! :heart:

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Thereโ€™s another issue with 2.5.3/2.5.4:
Field groups containing a structure field break the panel.

Yeah! Itโ€™s sad that things broke the past few releases, but that does not mean we donโ€™t appreciate the faster release cycle! Beta releases sound good. Keep up the good work :heart:๏ธ

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