Joomla to Kirby Migration

Hello and good day,

I would like to migrate from Joomla to Kirby. Unfortunately I can’t find any specific instructions, a plug-in or anything similar. I’m a creator and my knowledge of HTML etc. is rather rudimentary.

So the simple question is, can I migrate my website relatively automatically without any knowledge of HTML, CSS, etc.?

My site is

Thank you very much and kind regards Ronnie

You need to convert your HTML pages to PHP pages. And setup yml for pages. For import your SQL you need to write custom PHP Code.

Also import via CSV or XML could be a way. But also need a custom code. Here is an example - But this are virtual page.

Here is a Plugin for CSV Import - But its from 2020 and im nor sure If it works

So in my opinion, without any knowledge it’s not that easy. And I don’t think there is a Plugin for import from other CMS.

But it can be all done via Kirby CMS. But you need at least some Kirby and PHP skills. Or you ask someone to help you.

You can check first Kirby ans check the starter kit. Get up and running | Kirby CMS

Best regards

Hello Ronnie,

I have already built many sites in Joomla and now a fairly complex site in Kirby. The two systems are very different and the simple answer to your question is:

No, there is no easy way to convert from Joomla to Kirby.

Grüße aus dem Wendland,

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