Question on how to migrate data, especially pictures

Hi all,

I’m new to Kirby and have installed Kirby 4.2.0 along with Zero One Kirby CMS Theme an a development server (Win, Xampp, PHP8.2) and I’m developing a site to replace

As my current site has thousands of products, I feel unable to enter them manually, that is to say: I want to migrate them. I exported the data of my existing site and using a self-developed Python Script I am able to create content files, one per product. I can also copy the pictures into the directory where the content file resides, but the files are not automtically recognized.

The principle of my migration script is, that a valid content file (created by using the panel) is used as the base and my script just replaces that pieces of content, which are different for the new product.

Looking at the content file one can see, that images created by Kirby in the media directory are linked and not those which one place in the content folder. As Kirby does not automatically pick up my images in the content directory, I have no clue, what I can do to import my images in a way, that these are linked to the content and displayed when showing the content.

Before I’m now starting to produce these thousands of content files and linking the more then 10000 pictures manually to them I would like to know, whether there is a more efficient and elegant way to do this. Thanks in advance for your replies!