Janitor plugin : Class "Kirby\CLI\CLI" not found

after installing Kirby CLI (it works from terminal), I tried to use Janitor plugin.
But I have an error when I try to use a command from the panel:
Class "Kirby\CLI\CLI" not found
I can however execute Janitor commands from terminal.
Any idea where the problem might come from?

Did you install Janitor with Composer?


Where is the CLI installed now? Inside the project’s vendor folder, or globally?

I tried both.
When installed globally, Janitor return Class "Kirby\CLI\CLI" not found.
When installed in project’s vendor folder, the error is Class Kirby not found in index.php, line 5
Maybe something is missing on my server ?

"Kirby\CLI\CLI" not found → same problem
… installed globally in /.config/composer/vendor/getkirby/cli and kirby itself is in /vendor …

Someone has an idea? Thanks!

is it a built in command or a custom one? how exactly are you using it from the panel (blueprint)?

installing the cli globally will allow you to run commands with the „kirby“ executable but janitor still requires the cli to be installed within the project (see readme → installation)

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I have installed the Cli also in the project → no error message anymore … Thanks!