Issues with rendering of markdown in blocks

Hi! I’m Using Kirby

I am using blocks in the panel within a structure. All of the other types of block seem to be working fine but when i use the Markdown block it’s not rendering correctly.

This is what my panel looks like:

This is what my .txt file looks like when i save it

  documentation: '[{"content":{"text":"# An H1 Header\n## An H2 Header\n### An H3 Header\n#### An H4 Header"},"id":"d99269ab-21a5-4d21-94e7-7e9ff838238b","isHidden":false,"type":"markdown"}]'

If i change the .txt file to this then it works fine

documentation: |
    [{"content":{"text":"# An H1 Header\n## An H2 Header\n### An H3 Header\n#### An H4 Header"},"id":"d99269ab-21a5-4d21-94e7-7e9ff838238b","isHidden":false,"type":"markdown"}]

Why is it adding quotes? How can i fix how it’s saving itself as this seems to be the issue


Yes, I can reproduce this. This is probably a bug. You might want to create an issue on GitHub.

Thank you, i will do