Is it possible to use getkirby site theme to create my site

All my life I’ve done all sites on the joomla or WordPress
and I’m not a programmer
A HUGE plus of these systems is ready-made website templates
Unfortunately, this is not the case here.
But I saw that some post their topics on Github
for example, there is even the theme of the whole site

Can I use it to create my own site?

  1. Is it possible in the sense- Is it allowed to use by the owner?
  2. is it possible in the sense - will this copy of the site be launched on my hosting?

Hey Aleksey,

You can find themes for Kirby here:

You can certainly reuse solutions from the website like the plugins etc. in your own site. But the complete setup is far too complex to use as a starting point for your own website. It doesn’t even have blueprints for the Panel. So I would strongly discourage that.

You can however use the Demokit and the Starterkit as a basis for your own.

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Please tell me - do I understand correctly - I need knowledge to create templates PHP, HTML5 and CSS?

Yes, you either need prior knowledge or a willingness to learn that stuff along the way. That is, if you want to do more than use ready-to-use themes without any changes. Kirby’s API makes the PHP part relatively easy, though, and many designers without much coding knowledge have managed to create websites with Kirby. But it can get frustrating if you have absolutely no knowledge at all and want to do complex stuff.

While Wordpress, Joomla and the like come with huge themes that make it easy for the non-programmer to create websites, you pay a huge price performance-wise. Or you end up installing even more plugins to get rid of the overhead. The alternative to paying this price is to start creating your own templates, and then you are back at coding.

@aleksey A good place to start is the Creating a blog guide in the Kirby cookbook.

Pay attention to the section right at the bottom called Further Reading. If you read through all those, you will pretty much have the knowledge to build most sites with Kirby, not just a blog.

Other guides worth reading:

Most of all have fun with it! The Kirby community is amazing and we will help you if you get stuck with anything.