Is it possible to output a writer field without the p tags?

I would like to output the text saved in the writer field without p tags around it. Is this possible using a page method or another way?

My preference is to use the writer field instead of the text field so all text fields in the panel are consistent in appearance and the marks are still available.


You can set inline: true in the blueprint.

thanks for your reply. the p tags around the text are still saved in the content file and also output in the frontend. I believe the inline: true for the blueprint is only helpful when wanting line breaks instead of a new paragraph.

I would like to remove the p tags completely from the output. thanks!

The p tags are not saved but existing content won’t be updated. Please try again with a clean page.

Ah ok, I edited the existing text and it still had the p tags. Creating a completely new field works. thank you!