I already found how to filter pages by translation in the frontend. But I was wondering how to do this for the panel.
I also was wondering if a page can only exist in the secondary language?
I already found how to filter pages by translation in the frontend. But I was wondering how to do this for the panel.
I also was wondering if a page can only exist in the secondary language?
No, not if you create content via the Panel, then the default translation is always created.
This is not possible, or maybe you can redefine the children per language in a model, never tested this and don’t know if this might have side effects.
I think a “simple” alternative could be to add a toggle field to a blueprint which you can activate/deactivate in each page’s language to enable/disable that translation. In your controller or template you could then check for that toggle and e.g. if the current language is disable look up if any other language is enabled and redirect to that one.
What exactly do you want to achieve here? Disable the language switcher for certain pages? Or show only translated pages in pages sections per language?
There’s also this plugin: GitHub - mullema/k3-panel-view-extended: Quick fix for some missing features in the panel that allows hiding the language switcher, not sure if this can be done depending on page/translation combinations.
I want to have different blog articles (pages) per language on the frontend. And I want this to be mirrored in the panel, so it would be clear which blog belongs to which language.
The frontend is no problem.
As I already wrote above, this is not easily possible. What I suggested might be a workaround, but there is no out-of-the-box solution for this.
Am i right that in combination with a toggle field this could be a solution in kirby 4?[Section filters | Kirby CMS]
Take a look at the pagesdisplay plugin: GitHub - rasteiner/k3-pagesdisplay-section: K3 plugin: display any page list in a section. Any parent, many parents, filtered, don't care.
It also allows filtering pages by query, but with adding new pages disabled. You can extend this to allow adding pages.