Implement InDesign like grid template engine


I don’t know if you are aware of this great theme/plugin :

I am not really keen on Wordpress, any idea how to implement this grid template engine in Kirby ?


  • website with images in grid like that? Answer: CSS
  • laygridder in kirby panel? Answer: You need to program custom field that will do that.
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If you are simply after a Responsive CSS Grid Framework you may want to look into ZURB Foundation or Bootstrap .

Thank you for your answer. Of course I know about these but it is not as intuitive as this for a client purpose.

Yes, maybe I’ll try to convert the code to make it work in Kirby.

better look for/try something like “self organizing” or “responsive” if you want.

Unfortunately organizing content the “inDesign way” want work on nowadays device wilderness IMHO.

Hi! I came to the forum today with this exact question. Laytheme is the best in the game as far as this type of thing goes. Squarespace also has a similar editor that is more flexible but much more cumbersome. A tool like this doesn’t quite match Kirby’s ethos, but nonetheless for clients who are artists, this type of highly customizable layout of elements is a highly requested feature. Does anyone have any ideas about how one would go about making a tool that has somewhat similar features for the kirby panel?

tl;dr: bump

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should be possible as the panel is build with vue and projects like exist.

Indeed, this could be a good starting point.
The multiple grid example feels a bit like Laytheme :

It could be implemented into the Editor field from @bastianallgeier, each grid module is a row.