from another image script i’ve seen that while images get watermarked and small thumbnails are generated for listing in the gallery, the actual preview is a combination of javascript e.g. some zoom in after clicking on the preview image and php. where as the php part uses a few image functions to overlay the watermark and crop a part of the image and output it on the fly without caching.
u can think about it such as the focusCrop plugin just where a user clicks the image at any spot, the picture will crop on the fly and it’ll look as if zoomed in. a watermark will be applied on the fly as well. heres an example:
my attempts have always been putting pretty basic watermarking and resizing from 3500 px to approximately 1000 to 1400 pixel for preview, but while my current archive has about 20 gb of photos and i have had a complete run of thumbnails which also came up to about 2,x gb, other than the initial processing it works fine but eats alot of space. in addition it’s gonna create 100px mini thumbs here and there (once again… )
while i tested everything as far as i could on my locale server i am really wondering if my i7-ish lacks processing power or is just not made for localhosting - or prebuild server (laragon or uniserver is not very performing well) because compared to pages without images it feels very sluggish sometimes, even when all previews are already generated.
i thought to myself, if the attempt to generate a preview as described before makes sense. but every cropping preview action would require processing power as well. so i wonder if this will eat up resources… i haven’t really thought about how to get this one solved and couldn’t find anything javascriptish to solve the visual part.
so i want to throw in some kind of question / discussion …
my main concern is if images are processed on the fly e.g. clicking the image calls php image creation that it’ll quickly overload a server if a few users are browsing at the same time.
what are the best way to work with (alot) of images which need proofing… , in regards of user-friendliness, performance and safety (watermarked images)