Image upload problem


I have a problem uploading images.
When I upload an image it is as if the image breaks (the image below), and when I refresh the page then the image is normally visible.

Do you have any idea why it is shown that way?

All the best,

Strange. Do you have a very low memory setting in PHP ini? this could be that struggling to make the thumbs all at once but creates the missing ones on the second reload when some memory is freed.

Just a guess :slight_smile:

Check what happens in the media folder for the page when you upload the file.

Is the file you see after reloading really resized?

Check with phpinfo() if the gd library is enabled.

Thank you, i will check :slight_smile:

gd library is enabled. When I add an image in the files, that image appears and everything is fine in the files.
I have no idea what it could be. :thinking:

Not quite sure I understand. Does this mean, if you upload to a files section, it works, but if you upload to a files field it doesn’t?

No no, when I uploaded through CMS then I checked in the files if he added the image and everything else and it works properly. But it’s like caching or something.