I forgot my password

First of all, sorry if this is answered somewhere else - I googled and couldn’t find the answer I was looking for.
Anyway, I can’t remember my password for the Panel, but I do have FTP access. Any ideas of how to obtain/reset the password?

Thanks in advance!

Jakob / www.pizzadude.dk / www.bogstav.com

If it is your only account, you can delete it, allow panel installation on a remote server in your config file, and then access the Panel to create a new account.

As an alternative, you could create an account in a local installation and then upload the account folder to your remote.

How do I create an account in a local installation?

Of course, this requires that you have a local installation of Kirby .

I don’t have a local installation - only the web one. But if I deleted the account via FTP, could I then access the panel to create a new account?

As I wrote above, you also have to modify the config file with the setting I linked to. Otherwise, you cannot install the Panel on a remote server (that’s a security feature).

(In the next Kirby version we will have a password reset feature, but that of course doesn’t help you now.)

If you’re using a rather recent version of Kirby 3…

Not that any of this would be simpler than what texnixe wrote, but you could also:

  1. go here: http://sandbox.onlinephpfunctions.com/code/4b77160afa2bdb94d183860c17131b8f1ea50024
  2. change the PHP code example, replacing ENTER A PASSWORD HERE to something unique but temporary
  3. click on the “Execute code” button
  4. copy the hashed password that is output in the textarea below
  5. put that hash into your file in your site/accounts/<unique_userid>/.htpasswd file
  6. login with your temporary password
  7. change your password in kirby
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