How to sort pages by dates that are stored in structure fields?

I have multiple event pages that need to be sorted by date. The problem is that some of the events have multiple dates/times that they take place, so the dates are stored in a structure field.

I want to sort the event pages by the first structure field entry but I have no idea how to use that field in the sortBy function.

My structure fields looks like this:

  type: structure
      type: date
      type: time
      type: time

I only need to sort by the time entry, since I have already split the events into days.

You can use a callback function with sortBy, which allows you to fetch the date of the first item of the structure field.

As an alternative you can create a page model with a custom function that returns the date, then use this custom function to sort by: Sorting | Kirby CMS

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This was much easier than I thought. I kind of missed an example of a simple callback function in the cookbook / reference but I just used this and it works great:

$eventsThisDay = $eventsThisDay->sortBy(function($event) {
  return $event->date()->toStructure()->first()->time()->toDate();

Unless you are 100% sure that you always have a valid item, Iā€™d add a check before calling time to prevent calling method on null error:

$eventsThisDay = $eventsThisDay->sortBy(function($event) {
  if ( $item = $event->date()->toStructure()->first() ) {
    return $item->time()->toDate();
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