I am trying to link more than one page to another page through the page field (with autocomplete), so that the user can add as many links to other pages as necessary. Something like related pages.
Currently the page field only allows one link.
Is there any way to make it work like tags, or like a structure, or maybe something similar to this plug-in ?
I am actually using a custom field extending the page field inspired from this solution: Page field settings
But when I put it in a structure, it doesn’t show the autocomplete (the page field does).
I’m looking for different solutions and more user-friendly ways to do this.
You don’t need a plugin for that, you can do it with the structured field:
yes, sorry, that’s what i meant when i wrote [quote=“bumbledy, post:1, topic:5082”]
But when I put it in a structure, it doesn’t show the autocomplete (the page field does).
I tried it, but doesn’t work for the custom field subpage based on the page field
hey @bumbledy, did you manage to get to the bottom of this? This is something I’m looking into at the moment.
If the page field still does not work as expected within the structure field, maybe the Quickselect field is an alternative?
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Thanks @texnixe for the speedy Friday response. That looks like a great starting point.