Use tag field to select specific pages

Hi. I need a quick hand. How the heck can I get the tag field to autocomplete/suggest specific pages? Thanks.

Can you give a little more context? whats the desired end result? is this to do a “similar/related” pages list on the front end? Does this help?

Thanks for the quick reply.

I have a team section that includes individual pages for team members (each member has a page).

I want to include a tag field so I can select one or more team members. So I’d like the tag field to autocomplete based on the title of any given team member page. So the index: children of ‘team’ page sort of.

Without a custom tags field, that’s not really possible. Or it only works once several team members have already been added to other pages.

What about the relationship field?

Yep. Those suggested plugins would solve the issue. I was looking for a solution without relying on a plugin.

I suppose checkboxes or the select field in a structure would do it.

The field toggle plugin in might be useful also. For example, if you had radios for the team names, you can then show or hide a user field or use multiselect for each team members based on the selection. This way you can keep the UI tidy.

Thanks again for your input.

In this case, because I’d rather not rely on plugins (it’s a thing I probably need to overcome), I’m going to setup 2 selects that query the children of the team page. I know that the client only needs to select up to 2 members for this given record. I’ll give 'em the width: 1/2 and that’ll look tidy.

If you want it to be more flexible, use a structure field with a select.