How to deploy : Dokku & Digital Ocean

I tried to deploy my developed kirby file with dokku and Digital Ocean.
SO I tried to install dokku.
I completed this part : ```

But from this : ```
sudo DOKKU_TAG=v0.26.6 bash

I kept getting this error : line 234: /etc/os-release: No such file or directory

I searched and asked this problem to Dokku, and they told me on Mac OS, I should download Docker(?)
I am totally stucked from that and I can’t see the solution from : ID@IPaddress: Permission denied (publickey).

Do you have any idea about deployment with Kirby X Dokku X Digital Ocean in Mac OS?
Please help!

Well, the documentation at Getting Started with Dokku - Dokku Documentation clearly says that you’ll need either Ubuntu or Debian as OS. On MacOS there is no file os-release in directory /etc but this is used to determine the OS in the script - that’s why the error message appears.

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