Hosting provider wont upgrade beyond PHP 7.0

Is there anyway that I can use Kirby without 7.1 PHP?

Kirby 3 definitely requires PHP 7.1.0+, so no.

Kirby 2 can be used with PHP 5.6+.

I’d recommend changing the hosting provider. PHP 7.0 has reached end of life: A hosting provider that uses unsupported PHP versions is definitely not worth the money.


Yes - move hosts. The fact they won’t upgrade rings alarm bells.

Search the forum - somewhere theres a list on here of community recommended hosts. For whats its worth, I like Krystal Hosting and Fortrabbit, but i’m in the UK.

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As already mentioned, this is a big no-go! You can compare it to a car repair shop that does not want to renew the brakes of your car, even if necessary.

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they are happily renewing them, even if it’s not necessary :wink:

Change your garage, not your hosting.