Hi, I programmed a media gallery with different file formats and used Structure for it. In general, the website is pretty much the same like in the Kirby Starterkit, but I just used this structure instead of the default image gallery. Now I added another language and feel a little confused. I have these questions:
- If I add text and media files to the default language page, it automatically gets added to the other language as well. And if I change something on the other language page, it just gets changed there, right?
- Is there a way to let the media items always stay the same in all languages, but make their captions editalbe in different languages? Right now it can happen that there is one media file deleted in one language. This must not happen. Or is there at least a way to synchronize it?
- Why does the gallery stay the same in the Kirby Starterkit by using multiple languages? Does it work differently with just an image gallery than with a Structure field? Or are there just different settings?