Getting rid or repurposing images txt metadata file

Hey there, I’ve been reading the docs but it’s still not very clear to me how the images .txt metadata file.

I have long posts with several images. I’m uploading images from the text input toolbar in the editor. For every image I get an almost empty txt file created in the same folder of the main txt content file.

That can create a long list of txt files that clutters the view, so far I haven’t been able to find a purpose for them. So I have a couple of questions, that anyone could perhaps help me with:

  1. Would it be possible to prevent these txt files from being created?

  2. Could they at least be created inside a subfolder such as contents/post/images along the png and jpg media files whenever I upload a new image?

  3. I guess these files could be potentially be useful to contain metadata such as captions, alt text, credits, etc. Is this possible to fill in from the text editor if the image is upload as content of an input field? So that would make the main text look a bit more clean and just have an (image: file.jpg) line of text.

Apologies if this is too long or confusing. I’m happy to clarify and I appreciate any help.

That’s what they are there for, they are file metadata files.

No, unless you upload the files to this subfolder

Not sure what you mean…