Formbuilder problem in Internet Explorer


it’s me again, this time with a very specific formbuilder problem.

I don’t know if you feel responsible to take care of internet explorer specific aspects :wink: , but maybe there is a simple solution to this problem, who knows. If so, of course I am happy!

The form works pretty well in all browsers so far. In Firefox it sometimes reports “No valid CSRF token…”, but this can at least be solved by refreshing the page. In Internet Explorer however it reports the following:

“Do you want to open or save “formhandlercdbff83b.json” from “URL XYZ”?”

Can anyone help me?

PS. I will post the issue here as well:

PPS. The download link on isn’t working:

Thanks for the hint. I think that is because the download links are only correctly created for repositories hosted on GitHub.