Feed-Plugin, shows me invisible feed page instead of feed data itself

Hey All!

I’m a newbie at Kirby (I’m just 5 days at it) and activated the blog yesterday night, using the feed-plugin.

I’ve set up all the things as suggested (plugin and folders and template), and calling the feed URL in my browser (Safari) shows me that invisible page under content/blog/feed/feed.txt (currently the title is shown (you can watch it here)).

So, what could be the reason for making Kirby showing me that page?
Any suggestions?


Hm, was meinst du mit “unsichtbare Seite”, einfach leer aber keine Fehlermeldung? Hast du mal debug eingeschaltet in der config.php?

c::set('debug', true);

Das Plugin funktioniert eigentlich wie es soll, habe es grad noch mal in einer aktuellen k252 Version getestet. Welchen Browser nutzt du?

PS: Eigentlich schreiben wir hier auf Englisch, wenn es irgendwie geht. Nur Job-Angebote nehmen wir in allen Sprachen. Danke!

Switched to english.
Yap, debug is on but that shows me nothing.

Thanks for switching to English :grinning:.

Hm, the page is not empty? Could you post your feed.php template, please?

That’s the content of site/templates/feed.php


echo page('blog')->children()->visible()->flip()->limit(10)->feed(array(
  'title'       => $page->title(),
  'description' => $page->description(),
  'link'        => 'blog',

And your content folder structure? Looks like the template is not used… Do you have a feed.en.txt and feed.de.txt in your feed folder? In a multi-language context, this is necessary, no “feed.txt” without extension.

Please see my edit above…

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Now it works as expected. Thank you very much for your quick response and help!
You are awesome! :muscle:t3:

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