Kirby 3 > 4 RSS "not found"

Hi, I’m updating my site to move from Kirby 3 to 4. I’m using the bnomei RSS plugin, and looking at all the docs I can find it should still work the same way. Instead I’m getting “Not Found” when going to /feed

I’ve checked config, htdocs, can’t see what’s up.

Since no one else has mentioned this I’m guessing/hoping I’m missing something obvious. Anyone got ideas where to look?

Have you updated the plugin (and all other plugins)?

I have, I downloaded the plugin fresh today. I’ve compared the routing in config.php to the one in the plugin docs and it’s the same, but would this line work the same in k4? (‘words’ is the location of all my posts)

$feed = page('words')->children()->listed()->flip()->limit(10)->feed($options);

edit: I have feed.php in site/templates/, it was there in kirby 3 (which worked), though with the routing in config.php is it necessary?

Are there any blocks or htdocs or config things that are new in kirby 4 that would make it work?

OK, so found the reason for Not Found. In the folder where all the posts are there needed to be a feed/feed.txt

So, maybe not obvious, but at least the feed is found now.