Editor field <strong> tag work but <info> or <warning> does not

Within Editor field tag work, but or does not.
Any ideas were to look for an answer?

Info or warning are not html tags…

If you have created such Kirbytags, like we use them on the getkirby.com website, then you can only use them inside a markdown block in the Editor.

Maybe you can provide more details how exactly you are using these.

sorry, for sending confusing text. (was my first ever :wink: )
understood that < strong > is html.
how am I able to use < info > or < warning >.
Were should these be defined for working correctly?

You mean like on the getkirby.com website (e.g. here: https://getkirby.com/docs/guide/quickstart#requirements__alternative-ways-to-install-kirby)? Those are Kirbytags that are usually used inside a textarea field, but can also be used inside a Markdown block in the Editor once they are defined.

Of course, you can also create a custom Editor block. However, since the Editor has no future, consider changing to the new Blocks field in Kirby 3.5, to be released today, where it is much easier to create your own blocks.

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Thanks for quick answer:
How am I going to define those tags and where?

They need to be defined in a plugin, in a Kirbytag hook, example code can be found in the getkirby.com repo:

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Plugin is in place and working, but how are the icon and block formating (color + vertical line) comes into place? My block with tags is still unformated and plain text.
example http://www.aeroclub77.de/kontakt/treffpunkt

You need to add the CSS you want for your info and warning blocks, you can have a look at getkirby.com website for example styles, but should really create your own that fit your design rather than copy from the website.