Using <textarea /> in content is wracking the panel

Using the < textarea / > html tag in a textarea field is shredding the html structure of the kirby panel.

Toolkit Version: 2.3.2
Kirby Version: 2.3.2
Panel Version: 2.3.2

Are you using the tag within a form tag?

The textarea element requires both a start and an end tag, btw. (but it does not seem to work without a wrapper in an textarea field.

yes, i’m using textarea in a form tag with a start and a end tag. just have a try, create a blank page with a textarea-field, create a simple html form with a textarea tag and save. It seems, the closing tag is not escaped, so it closes the panel-field structure, so the content breaks at this point.

I tested this in a current Starterkit version (2.4.1) and can’t reproduce this.

If I put

<textarea name="textarea"
   rows="10" cols="50">Write something here</textarea>

this in a page, the result is this:

Looks fine to me.

Could you make a screenshot of this page in your panel? Your content should be dropped after “Write something here”.

May be, if you set in your config

c::set(‘markdown.extra’, true);


It looks to my this way:

Even with markdown.extra enabled, it doesn’t make any difference:

But you are using a custom field, maybe that’s the reason.

Good hint, just a second…

You’ve right. When this is a bug in custom field. Just with “textarea”-field it’s alright. :wink:

You should post an issue in that repo. The field does not look as if it was still maintained, though.

As an alternative, you could probably try to use a custom kirbytag instead.